University of Wisconsin - Madison Materials Research Science and
Engineering Center Education
and Outreach

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

NMR Simulator

This simulator uses a Plexiglas frame on which are mounted a pair of hand-wound electromagnets (optional), a switch, a resistor and a 9-volt battery holder. The atomic nuclei are represented by orienteering compasses, drained of their fluid and placed on the top surface of the Plexiglas frame. To the side of the simulator is placed a linear array of three strong permanent magnets.

Joel A. Olsen, Karen J. Nordell, Marla A. Chesnik, Clark R. Landis, Arthur B. Ellis, M. S. Rzchowski, S. Michael Condren, George C. Lisensky, "Simple and Inexpensive Classroom Demonstration of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging", J. Chem. Ed. Vol. 77, 882(2000).

Field strength Movie

Shielding Movie

Coupling Movie

<Other NMR Nuclei] | [Magnetic Resonance Imaging>

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This site is designed and maintained by
Dr. S. Michael Condren
Christian Brothers University