Cadmium Iodide, CdI2
    Drag to turn, shift-drag vertical to zoom,
    shift-drag horizontal to rotate

  1. This structure uses octahedra and empty octahedra
    and has a hexagonal unit cell

  2. Build an edge-shared octahedral layer Photo
  3. Build another octahedral layer
  4. Join layers using empty octahedra Photo
  5. All atoms

  6. Display options
    Polyhedra: Translucent Solid Quadrant Off
    Atoms: Ball&Stick Ball Stick
                Spacefill Translucent Off
    Labels: Small Medium Large Off
    Stereo: Wall Red Blue 90° Off
    Spin   Perspective   Antialias

    Materials with the same crystal structure include Ag2F, CaI2, CdI2, CoBr2, CoI2, CoTe2, FeBr2, FeI2, GeI2, HfS2, HfSe2, IrTe2, MgBr2, MgI2, MnBr2, MnI2, NiTe2, PdI2, PdTe2, PtS2, PtSe2, PtTe2, SiTe2, SnS2, SnSe2, a-TaS2, TiBr2, TiCl2, TiI2, TiSe2, TiI2, TiSe2, TiTe2, VBr2, VCl2, VI2, W2C, ZrS2, ZrSe2, and ZrTe2.

Developed in collaboration with the
University of Wisconsin Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
Interdisciplinary Education Group   |   MRSEC on Nanostructured Interfaces
This page created by George Lisensky, Beloit College.  Last modified April 25, 2015 .
Application loaded.