XRD estimation of particle diameter
Diffraction peaks are a result of constructive interference of X-rays reflected by crystal planes. The more planes the sharper the peak so the smaller the crystallite size the broader the diffraction peak.
where λ is the X-ray wavelength, Δθ is the peak-width at half-height (FWHM) and 2θ is the peak location. (For even better results use the peak width of the sample minus the peak width of the same peak in a bulk sample.)
The X-ray wavelength depends on the target in the instrument X-ray tube. Common targets are Cr (2.28970Å), Fe (1.93604Å), Co (1.78897Å), Cu (1.54056Å), or Mo (0.70930Å) metals.
|  Example from Jurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi (Indonesia), 2008, 1(1), p28. |