var $filename = new Array(); var $header = new Array(); var $caption = new Array(); var $aspect = new Array(); var $option = new Array(); var $choice=0; $i=0; $filename[$i]='empty.jpg'; $header[$i]=''; $caption[$i]=''; $aspect[$i]=3168/4752; if (>1) { $choice = } else { $choice = "0" } if (document.captureEvents) document.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN); //KEYPRESS does not see arrows document.onkeydown = processKeypresses; function backward() { if ($choice>1) { $choice-- } else { $choice=$numberoffiles } insertpicture($choice) } function forward() { if ($choice<$numberoffiles) { $choice++ } else { $choice = "1" } insertpicture($choice) } function processKeypresses(e) { //alert(navigator.appName); if(navigator.appName == "Netscape") k = e.which; // key's ASCII code (Netscape and Mozilla and Safari) //else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1) k=e.which; // key's ASCII code (Safari) else k=event.keyCode; // key's ASCII code (IE and Opera) //alert(k); if (k==11) backward(); // page up Netscape 4 if (k==12) forward(); // page down Netscape 4 if (k==13) forward(); // return if (k==27) history.back(); // esc if (k==28) backward(); // arrow left Netscape 4 if (k==29) forward(); // arrow right Netscape 4 if (k==30) backward(); // arrow up Netscape 4 if (k==31) forward(); // arrow down Netscape 4 //if (k==32) forward(); // space if (k==33) backward(); // page up if (k==34) forward(); // page down if (k==37) backward(); // arrow left if (k==38) backward(); // arrow up if (k==39) forward(); // arrow right if (k==40) forward(); // arrow down if (k==44) backward(); //, lower case < Netscape 4 if (k==46) forward(); //. lower case > Netscape 4 if (k==188) backward(); //, lower case < if (k==190) forward(); //. lower case > //return false; // cancel event otherwise } function insertpicture(n) { // scroll(0,0); //scroll back to top of page if (n>$numberoffiles) {n=$numberoffiles} $choice=n; //remember selected file // var $x=0; var $y=0; if (self.innerHeight) // all except Explorer { $x=self.innerWidth; $y=self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) //Explorer 6 strict mode { $x=document.documentElement.clientWidth; $y=document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) // other Explorers { $x=document.body.clientWidth; $y=document.body.clientHeight; } $width0= $x-0.08*$x-140; // 140 pixel left column plus 4 * 2% margins $y=.98*$y; if($header[n]) {$y=$y-24;} //leave space for header if (!$aspect[n]>0) //aspect value not set { $aspect[n]=1; } $width=$width0; if ($width*$aspect[n] > $y) { $width=$y/$aspect[n]; } $code="" if(typeof(window.pageYOffset) == 'number') { scrolltop = window.pageYOffset; if(scrolltop>0) {$code='
';} } $code=$code+'
'; if ($filename[n].match(".mov")==null && $filename[n].match(".mp4")==null) { $code=$code+'
'; } else //file is a movie { // $code=$code+''; //quicktime $code=$code+''; } $code=$code+'

'+ $caption[n]+'

'; // alert($code); document.getElementById('pictureframe').innerHTML=$code; }