function insertimage($filename,$aspect,$otherlines,$imageframe) { scroll(0,0); //scroll back to top of page // var $x=0; var $y=0; if (self.innerHeight) // all except Explorer { $x=self.innerWidth; $y=self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) //Explorer 6 strict mode { $x=document.documentElement.clientWidth; $y=document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) // other Explorers { $x=document.body.clientWidth; $y=document.body.clientHeight; } // Set font relative to window size var P = Math.sqrt ($x*$x+$y*$y); P = Math.floor (8+P/125); = P + 'px'; // alert(" "+P); $width= 0.98*$x; if (!$imageframe) {$imageframe="imageframe";} $noborder=""; $test=$otherlines+''; //switch to string if ($test.indexOf(",") != -1) //if contains comma then use "lines of text, fraction of vertical height, fraction of horizontal width". Fraction can be larger than 1. { $y2 = $otherlines.split(",")[1]*($y - $otherlines.split(",")[0] * P - P); if($otherlines.split(",")[2]) {$width = $otherlines.split(",")[2]*$width;} if($otherlines.split(",")[3]) {$noborder = $otherlines.split(",")[3];} } else if ($otherlines < 1) //use fraction of vertical height { $y2 = $otherlines * $y; } else //use lines of text { $y2 = $y - $otherlines * P - P; } if ($width*$aspect > $y2) {$width=$y2/$aspect;} //reset to maximum height $border=""; if ($width*$aspect < 75 && $noborder=="" && $filename.slice(-10)!="spacer.jpg") {$width=75/$aspect; $border='style="border:1px solid blue;"'} //shrink to minimum of 75 unless noborder flag if ($width*$aspect < 10 && $filename.slice(-10)!="spacer.jpg") {$width=10/$aspect; } //set absolute minimum height of 10 // var $code = ''; var $code = ''; document.getElementById($imageframe).innerHTML = $code; // alert($code); } // // function zoom(myzoom) { var properties = ['transform', 'WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'msTransform', 'OTransform'], prop = properties[0]; for(i=0,j=properties.length;i